Wednesday, December 5, 2007

12/5/07 -

As we end this year at CTC with Harmony and Unity as our theme, I would like to sum-up martial art's primary purpose in modern society as the empowerment of individuals so they may reach higher in every endeavor. Empowerment comes from mind, body, spirit, and emotions working in harmony and developing a unity of thoughts, words, and deeds.

The Power of Recognition

A pupil from whom nothing is ever demanded which he cannot do. Never does all he can.
John Stuart Mill

We learn something by doing it. There is no other way.
John Holt

The modern belt promotion system has given us our most important tool to help students develop confidence, stay motivated, see progress, and become better taekwondoin. This system helps students continue to improve month after month and year after year.

Younger students are immediately attracted to the different color belt and achievement stripes. These extrinsic rewards are like a “candy shop” for children. Although many adults will express a desire only to improve their skills, and that they are not concerned with belt promoting, they may be covering up anxiety around performing in front of others. These test become the best way for students to see advancement and make long and short-term goals.

Anxiety around public performance decreases and performance abilities increase as students gain experience. The fact that you are accountable in your martial art training makes learning so effective. Performing in front of one’s seniors and family, and peers is part affirmation of what a student has learned, part training in performance skills, and part celebration and graduation. This part of martial arts truly exemplifies the training of mind, body, spirit, and emotions all at once.