Sunday, January 21, 2007

1/21/07 -

My work-out today was shoveling snow and cleaning the basement to get ready for the plumbers to jack-hammer tomorrow. I seemed to have pulled a muscle in my back doing mushim with the cane the other day so I will have to be cautious not to aggravate this week! Tonight I would like to thank my wife as an example of excellence. Tamara come from a family of six children. All of them have reached excellence in their own way. I attribute this to the excellent of their parents. Earl and Alma our very talented, hard working, have such high standards, and they have passed this one to their children.

My wife has extremely high standards and she exemplifies these in the way she does everything. Tamara is able to focus on any task at hand. It might be her work as an illustrator, care for our children, or performing martial arts. She never does anything half way. Even when my spirits are down her drive motivates me to focus just a little more energy!

1/24/07 -

Speaking of motivation, although my conditioning has gone well this week and my back is feeling better from doing kimoodo gently over the past few days, my hip pain has come back in full force, and I now it if from kicking. I am going to try back off the power for awhile and see if this helps. My fear is that I will be reduced to no kicking at all! Well I am off to Columbus for lesson 2 with Grandmaster Choi today.

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