Sunday, April 22, 2007

4/22/07 -

Today is exactly 3 months until the big 6th dan test. I started this blog to allow others, especially student s to see my reflections on this journey. Here is an update at the three month mark:

1. I have learned 80% of my requirement ( I still need to finish working on cane routine and self defense)

2. My hip is getting stronger and more flexible, but it is a slippery balance between improvement and pain still.

3. I spent a big part of Spring Camp, working with Master Bleil on our requirements.

4. In the past week I have increased my practice of my martial arts and intensity of strength, flexibility, and cardio training.

5. I have begun the process of decreasing caffeine, sugar, and other toxins in my diet.

My "gratefullness of the week" is of my Mom. The older I get the more I appreciate that my Mom was able to raise me to to respect an appreciate differences in race and gender. I especially learned through her example the challenges of woman raising children and working. I see the roles of men and woman coming closer and closer as more men tak-up nurting and raising children and more woman enter the work force ful-tim with children. These changes certainly challenge our theme of the year of "harmony and unity."

Look for more thoughts tomorrow and thanks for following!

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